Year Catalog No. Description
1946-1949 and 1951-1952 None Service Center Counter Signs

Counter Sign FrontCounter Sign Reverse
Photos courtesy of Lonny Beno

These signs were never cataloged, but we can probably date them from the train sets depicted on them. 

The upper sign appears to be a stylized version of the 4615 set which was offered from 1946-1949, with perhaps an added car at the end.  This sign is most likely from that same time period.

The lower sign is clearly a depiction of the 5110 set, offered in 1951, or K5210 set, offered in 1952, so it is safe to assume that this sign is from 1951-1952.  Since very little was made available free of charge, I assume these signs were also sold to Authorized Dealers, much like the other signs. 

Service Station Decal I understand that the only thing the Authorized Service Center operators got for free was a decal to identify them as such.  A framed version of that decal is shown at the left.